Consumers: The 6 Steps of the Purchasing Process

By Maxmedia

May 6, 2019

Understanding how our customers consume allows us to adapt our advertising message to them and give them the necessary information at the right time.

Although we are all different in the way we buy, there are certain steps leading to the adoption of a new product. These steps are increasingly important depending on the level of involvement of the purchase.

For example, buying a car requires more consumer involvement than buying a package of cookies.

Find out how your company’s message can be adapted to the stage your customer is in.

1. Awarness

The first step is to invite the consumer to recognize a need, whether it is to buy a new car or to undergo osteopathic treatment. Once the need is recognized, your potential customer must become aware of the existence of your product.

In the tide of products or services that exist in your category, yours must stand out. Consider mystery or puzzle campaigns to intrigue your consumer and get their attention.

2. Understanding the Offer

Depending on the complexity of your product or service, it is important to explain clearly and simply what it is about. Remember that your potential client probably does not have any expertise or even specific knowledge in your field.

Choose advertising messages that are rather descriptive and explanatory with evocative slogans. This helps your customer to understand exactly what your offer is.

3. Interest in the Product or Service

We are now entering a more emotional stage, that of creating interest in your product or service. At this point, it is a question of focusing on the development of the brand image. We are no longer talking about the practical function of the product, but rather about the psychological function. We’re going into seduction mode.

Think about what your product represents or evokes and present it in this way. For example, you don’t sell a vehicle, you sell prestige; you don’t sell a beer, you sell virility.

4. Preference Over the Competitor

Your consumer has developed an interest in your product or service, now it is time to make sure that they do not turn to the competition. This is where the distinctive arguments come out. Ask yourself the question: what makes me different from others?

In your messages, it is better to present only one or two arguments, so that the consumer will remember them. Comparative advertising can also be part of your messages.

5. Convincing

At this stage, your potential customer is almost sold. You have to be very convincing in your communications so that he will decide to buy. The major argument then becomes the price.

Offer bargains or discounts, last-minute offers or testimonials from your current customers to encourage potential customers to buy your products or take advantage of your services.

6. The Purchase or Adoption

Congratulations! You now have a new customer. Your next goal will be to build customer loyalty so that they will definitely adopt your product. Always keep in mind that it is easier to keep an existing customer than to go and get new ones.

Make sure you are present at each step of the consumer’s purchase process so that they can choose you. Learn more about advertising by reading our other articles or by contacting us directly.