GeoFencing Advertising
What is Geofencing Advertising?
Geofencing is the use of a GPS network and/or local radio-frequency identifiers (such as Wi-Fi nodes or Bluetooth) to create virtual boundaries around your business, called a geofence.
The geofence is then paired with an app that responds to the boundary in some fashion as dictated by the parameters of the program.
MaxMedia can setup everything for you.
How Does Geofencing Work?
With Geofencing technology, a map is used to draw a boundary around the area(s) you want to target consumers in, such as your own business, a competitor’s business, a common area like a park or shopping center, or even a specific event.
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Where Are Ads Served With Geofencing Advertising?
For example, a Coffee shop sets up a Geofence around Tunney’s Pasture to advertise their tempting coffee to its target consumers. The technology can now display ads to the people in the buildings, like a buy one get one free coupon, to encourage them to buy breakfast for the whole station.
Advanced Targeting Capabilities
Your business gets a big boost too, in terms of marketing opportunities.
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Increase your branding presence. Stay fresh in your customers’ minds through digital marketing and personalized email campaigns. Make sure that they will be aware of your next promo or events and build valuable relationships.
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Interests & Demographics
Get to know your customers habits. Understand who your customers are, what they like, and what their behaviours are. Use these insights to create hyper-targeted user lists to market to.
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Time & Day
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Budget Control
Increase your branding presence. Stay fresh in your customers’ minds through digital marketing and personalized email campaigns. Make sure that they will be aware of your next promo or events and build valuable relationships.
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Get to know your customers habits. Understand who your customers are, what they like, and what their behaviours are. Use these insights to create hyper-targeted user lists to market to.
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Grow your CRM and facilitate your marketing automation strategy. Add these customer names, contact information, behavioural, and demographic data to your user database. Grow your database from hundreds to thousands to millions of active customers. Send them valuable information, automatically, at a critical moment.
Is My Advertising Producing Actual Walk-Ins To My Store?
Our geofencing technology can even track those who have seen your ads and determine if they walked inside your store. Conversion zones are a powerful means to track your online advertising to offline conversions, meaning those people who physically went to a particular location as a result of seeing your Ads.
How Does Geofencing Work?
With Geofencing technology, a map is used to draw a boundary around the area(s) you want to target consumers in, such as your own business, a competitor’s business, a common area like a park or shopping center, or even a specific event.
Sending promotional messages as shoppers pass by a store to drive visits.
Retargeting users that have visited a car dealership (yours or competitor’s).
Geofence feeder high schools and community colleges.
Geofence locations where customers visit prior to visiting restaurant.
Proving the ROI of coupons using location data to track store visits initiated by coupons.
Geofencing international terminals within international airports.
Geofence other coffee stores within a specific radius.
online retailers
Geo-conquesting competitor’s locations with deals to lure customers away.
How to Get Started
Turn your Free Wi-Fi service into an automated lead generating system. Engage your customers on Social Media and gain valuable marketing data. Run contests, promotions and special offers, engaging your customers in real-time.